Stress-free short-term accommodation.

NDIS Short Term Accommodation Sydney.

NDIS funding for accommodation or respite

Stays at Sargood on Collaroy may be funded through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Sargood on Collaroy is operated by Royal Rehab, a registered provider of the NDIS. Our provider number is 4050002604. NDIS participants may be able to seek financial assistance to stay at Sargood on Collaroy, a provider of short term accommodation and assistance, for up to 28 days per year. As everyone’s circumstances are different we encourage you to speak with your Local Area Coordinator or Support Coordinator to discuss what may be covered for you by the NDIS.

Sargood on Collaroy

What may be covered by the NDIS?

Sargood on Collaroy provides Short Term Accommodation and Assistance. We have three inclusive specialist accommodation packages, our Wellness Package, Wellness and Support Package and the Wellness and High Support Package outlined below. Our packages provide short-term accommodation and high intensity assistance, as well as negotiated activities.

Funding assistance from the NDIS may also be available to cover extra costs beyond our package inclusions, such as extra therapy or training with our staff and extra hours of assistance with self-care activities.

NDIS participants may stay at Sargood on Collaroy on one of our Packages outlined below.